Program List

The number of (the)data : 8
  • Mystery
  • Mystery


霊媒探偵 城塚翡翠

The latest woman of the hour comes on Sunday evenings this fall as a detective.
Hisui Jozuka can “see” the culprits with her clairvoyance, but this won’t hold up as evidence. Just how will she solve complex cases?

“I have the ability to know the truth, but why am I so useless?” Hisui, with her green eyes, is in anguish. As a medium, she can trace down culprits with her special gift of clairvoyance, but this won’t hold up as evidence. What must she do to get the police to investigate? Will they manage to catch the perpetrator? This is a unique detective drama series that features a psychic detective who goes face to face with criminals.

“I want you to solve the mystery that the dead presented.”

There’s no letting your guard down in this most-stunning mystery drama adaptation based on a best-selling novel that has enjoyed a clean sweep of all the awards in its genre!

  • School
  • School

Dragon Sakura S2


Our favorite gung-ho teacher is back! A few years ago, a group of struggling students at a low-ranked high school made it into Japan’s top college, Tokyo University – thanks to Kenji Sakuragi, a down-on-his-luck lawyer-turned-teacher. But soon afterward, he left the school and disappeared. Now another school has tracked him down and hired him, in hopes he can turn things around. So, Sakuragi makes his comeback, this time with the motto: “Times are tough! So get a move on!” Students are overwhelmed with choices and desperate for something to hold onto. With his profound belief in their ability, Kenji offers a ray of hope. But it won’t be easy! This gripping series depicts the anxieties of today’s youth and the problems faced by parents, and provides insights on how to get ahead professionally. You’ll understand why Kenji Sakuragi is still repeating his famous line, “Suck it up! Just get into Tokyo University!”

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Comedy
  • Romance


#リモラブ ~普通の恋は邪道~

Mimi Ohzakura’s romance has only just begun.
Driven by her motto "Live healthy, employees," occupational physician Mimi Ohzakura keeps busy every day making sure everyone is well. Occupational physicians provide healthcare to laborers in companies. If an employer regularly has over 1,000 workers, an occupational physician needs to be hired exclusively.

Our story dates back six months ago to the "corona panic." Mimi's new reality was all about stepping up to countless challenges day in and day out, but her efforts paid off and she takes pride in somehow managing to protect the company and its employees.

Little did she imagine that in the midst of the firestorm, this strange desire to fall in love would start to nag her. Next thing Mimi knew, she had fallen for someone online and her social media love life was heating up. It seems that they work at the same place though!

  • Human
  • Entertainment

  • Human
  • Entertainment



Naoki Hanzawa is a banker at the Tokyo Central Bank. Despite his having exposed many injustices inside the bank, the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double returns” for clients and their outlandish demands? Convention-busting banker hero, Naoki Hanzawa, underwrites a new legendary chapter in the financial world.

東京中央銀行のバンカー・半沢直樹。 銀行内で行われていた数々の不正を明らかにするも、まさかの出向を命じられ、東京セントラル証券に出向赴任するところから物語が始まる。 半沢はロスジェネ世代の部下達と立ち上がり、汚い手を使う卑劣な親会社に仕事を通じて逆襲する。果たして半沢直樹は、出向先で次々に発生するトラブルを乗り越え、理不尽な要求を突き付ける相手に「倍返し」出来るのか!? 型破りのバンカー、半沢直樹の新たな伝説が歴史に刻まれる!!

도쿄 중앙은행 뱅커 한자와 나오키.
은행 내에서 일어난 수많은 부정을 밝혀내지만 결국 좌천을 명령받고 도쿄 센트럴 증권으로 부임하면서 이야기가 시작된다.
한자와는 로스트 제너레이션 세대 부하들과 함께 교활한 방법을 사용하는 비열한 모회사에 업무를 통해 역습을 가한다. 과연 한자와 나오키는 전임지에서 차례로 발생하는 문제를 극복하고 불합리한 요구를 내세우는 상대에게「두배로 갚는다」를 실현할 수 있을까!?
파격적인 뱅커, 한자와 나오키의 새로운 전설이 역사에 새겨진다!!


  • Human
  • Food/Cooking
  • Human
  • Food/Cooking

La Grande Maison Tokyo


Natsuki Obana is a charismatic Japanese chef running a 2-star restaurant in Paris. Despite an extreme pride and confidence, he can’t seem to earn the 3 stars he covets. Feeling the pressure of a career slipping away, Obana’s troubles are compounded when his restaurant is caught in a scandal that forces its closure and the departure of his staff. Amid his despair, a glimmer of hope arrives when he encounters a female chef with whom he is encouraged to start anew. Assembling a staff of talented chefs, he launches his restaurant but is constantly clashing with personnel. Can a middle-aged man once knocked down recover the verve of youth necessary to achieve a lifelong dream?

요리에 인생을 걸고 파리에 자신의 가게를 가진 미슐랭 2스타를 획득한 카리스마 셰프. 자신감이 자만심으로 변하는 한편, 아무리 애써도 3스타를 가지지 못한 채 중압감에 괴로워하며 한계를 느낀다. 그러던 중 가게에서 중대한 사건이 일어나고 가게와 동료들을 모두 잃게 된다. 밑바닥으로 전락한 그는 어느 여성 셰프를 만나면서 다시 한번 셰프로서 살아갈 것을 결심하고 주위와 충돌하면서도 동료를 모아 기울어진 레스토랑의 재건을 위해 분투한다. 인생의 고난에 맞닥트려진 남자가 다시 한번 꿈을 향해 노력하는“어른의 청춘”을 그린 휴먼스토리.


料理に人生をかけ、パリに自分の店を持ち、二つ星を獲得するカリスマシェフ。 自信が慢心に変わる一方で、どうしても三つ星に手が届かず、プレッシャーに苦しみ、壁にぶつかる。 そんな時、店で重大事件が起こり、店も仲間も全て失ってしまう…。 どん底まで落ちた彼だったが、ある女性シェフと出会い、もう一度シェフとして 生き直そうと決意し、衝突しながらも仲間を集め、落ちぶれたレストランを立ち直すべく奮闘する。 人生につまずいた男がもう一度夢に向かう、“大人の青春”をかけたヒューマンストーリー。

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Temp Staff Psychic Ataru


A bright and positive comedy featuring Atall(Ataru), a female temp-staff working for an event organizing company with psychic power to see through people’s minds!

She always works with a pleasant smile while many of the full-time employees around her are suffering from various worries and anxieties. In fact, Atall (Ataru) has a special ability that shows her the inmost mental imagery and troubles of those around her. And she (Ataru) becomes their soul savior as she solves their problems using her psychic power. Through her positive fortune telling, the lives of the colleagues around her make a positive turn.

Worries, troubles and conflicts that are abundant in any office situation are focused on here and the way to a happier hopeful future is suggested through Atall (Atari). A refreshing and energizing office comedy drama!

  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Tearjerker
  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Tearjerker

The Crimes That Bind


A woman is found strangled to death in an apartment in Tokyo’s Katsushika Ward.
The victim is Michiko Oshitani, a resident of Shiga Prefecture who worked for a home cleaning company.
What’s more, the occupant of the apartment where the murder took place, Mutsuo Koshikawa, has gone missing.
Matsumiya (Junpei Mizobata) and his fellow detectives of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police’s Investigation Section 1 begin investigating, but hit a brick wall when they fail to find any links between Oshitani and Koshikawa.
Why was Oshitani, who lived in Shiga, killed in Tokyo?
Eventually, the detectives’ inquiries lead them to a theater director named Hiromi Asai (Nanako Matsushima).
They learn that Oshitani came to Tokyo to visit her former classmate Asai, but again come up with nothing when searching for connections between Asai and Koshikawa, and their investigation grinds to a halt.
Matsumiya has a hunch that a charred corpse found nearby the murder scene may have some relevance to the case, and subsequently discovers an item among the victim’s belongings with the names of Nihonbashi’s 12 bridges written on it.
When Kyoichiro Kaga (Hiroshi Abe) learns of this, he is deeply shaken.
It is somehow connected to his mother, who died alone...

도쿄 카쓰시카구 코스게에 위치한 아파트에서 여성의 교살사체가 발견된다.
피해자는 하우스 클리닝회사에 근무하는 사카현출신의 오시타니 미치코.
살해현장의 아파트 주민・고시카와 무쓰오도 행방불명이다.
마쓰미야(미조바타 쥰페이)를 포함한 경시청수사제1과의 형사들이 수사에 임하지만,
오시타니 미치코와 고시카와 무쓰오와의 관계가 전혀 발견되지 않고 수사는 난항을 겪 는다.
시가현에 사는 오시타니가 왜 도쿄에서 살해되었는가?
머지않아 수사선상에 떠오른 여성연출가・아사히 히로미(마쓰시마 나나코)
오시타니 미치코가 동창인 아사이 히로미를 만나러 도쿄에 온것을 알게 되지만, 아사 이 히로미와 고시카와 무쓰오와의 관계가 밝혀지지 않은채 수사는 진전을 이루지 못한 다. 마쓰미야는 근처에서 발견된 소사체와의 관련을 의심하며 수사를 이어가고 그 유 품에 니혼바시를 둘러싼 12개의 다리이름이 씌여진것을 발견한다.
그 사실을 알게 된 가가 쿄이치로(아베 히로시)는 몹시 동요한다.
바로 고독사한 쿄이치로의 어머니와 관련이 있기 때문이었다.



  • Family
  • Family



It was the height of the Japanese economic bubble when Naoki Hanzawa landed a coveted job in a major bank. But he finds the life of a banker to be a stormy one. As a loan officer section chief, Hanzawa works to finance the Nishi Osaka Steel company 5 million dollars at the insistence of his stubborn branch manager, Asano, and without collateral! What appeared a blue chip company is actually a heavily indebted concern that has been cooking its books. Within 3 months of the loan, Nishi Osaka Steel goes bankrupt, and Hanzawa and his bank have been deceived out of 5 million dollars. Not willing to take the heat and jeopardize his career, Asano plots to lay the blame on Hanzawa. When called to headquarters in Tokyo to attend investigative hearings about the fiasco, Hanzawa decides instead to deny the money is lost and vows to recover it himself. A believer in the goodness of people, but aware that deception costs double, Naoki Hanzawa's life as a legendary maverick banker begins.

버블경제기. 대기업은행에 입사한 한자와 나오키의 은행원생활은 파란의 시작이었다.
융자과장인 한자와 나오키는 반강제적인 아사노지점장의 지시에 따라 니시오사카 강철회사에 5억엔의 융자계약을 맺었다. 게다가 무담보였다. 표면상은 우량기업으로 보인 이 회사는 막대한 부채를 안고 있어 그것을 감추었던 분식결산이 발각된다. 융자 3개월 후, 니시오사카 철강은 어이없게 도산한다. 나오키 일행은 5억엔의 융자를 사기당한 것이었다. 출세에 집념하는 아사노지점장은 그 모든 책임을 나오키 일행에게 떠넘기려고 책략을 세우지만 융자실패에 관해 도쿄본점에서 조사를 받던 나오키는 정면으로 이를 부정하며 사기당한 5억엔을 되찾겠노라 맹세한다. 인간의 선의는 믿지만 당하면 배로 갚는다! 파격적인 은행원, 한자와 나오키의 전설이 지금 시작된다!

在泡沫期進入大型銀行「半澤直樹」,他的銀行員生活卻是一波三折。任職融資課長的他,被支店長的「淺野」半脅迫地要他裸貸五億元給西大阪鋼鐵公司。但是表面上看似優質的西大阪鋼鐵公司,卻利用作假帳隱藏背後龐大負債。借貸後三個月,西大阪鋼鐵公司宣布破產。半擇一行人雖被騙,但是一心執念要成功的淺野支店長卻計劃想嫁禍給半澤。 但是被叫到東京本部協助調查的半澤卻堅決否定並揚言要奪回被騙走的5億元。雖堅信人性本善的他,報復時一定加倍奉還。這個與眾不同的銀行員工。半澤直樹的傳說既將開始。